The BSE index closed at 18518, down by 353 points, the index touched a high and a low of 18,944.60 and 18,481.63 respectively. The Nifty index shut up 5575, down by 105 points, the index touched high and low of 5,702.25 and 5,560.15 respectively.
Nifty Trend
nifty Futures
Nifty July 2011 futures closed at 5,577.30, at a premium of 2.45 point over spot closing of 5,574.85, while Nifty August 2011 futures were at 5,593.00 at a premium of 18.15 points over spot closing. The near month July 2011 derivatives contract expires on Thursday, 28 July, 2011. Nifty July futures saw an addition of 20.63% or 3.75 million (mn) units, taking the total outstanding open interest (OI) to 21.98 mn units.
nifty options
Among Nifty calls, 5700 SP from the July month expiry was the most active call with an addition of 1.91 million or 21.05%. Among Nifty puts, 5600 SP from the July month expiry was the most active put with a decline of 2.79 million or 26.00%. The maximum Call OI outstanding for Calls was at 5600 SP (11.01 mn) and that for Puts was at 5500 SP (7.94 mn).
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