Unlike the morning session the Indian shares on the Nifty index tumbled in the afternoon session, leaving the traders dazzled. The stock market erased all the morning gains due to the capital goods, banks and the realty index going sluggish today.
Sensex ended today at 18,577.70 with a fall of 135.85 points and Nifty clossed its shutter today at 5,648 with a loosing 39.25 points which turned out to be the lowest level since September 20.
The BSE Realty Index hit quite hard, losing 3 percent as Unitech, DLF and HDIL plunged 4-6 percent. Indiabulls Real was down 2 percent.
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Sensex ended today at 18,577.70 with a fall of 135.85 points and Nifty clossed its shutter today at 5,648 with a loosing 39.25 points which turned out to be the lowest level since September 20.
The BSE Realty Index hit quite hard, losing 3 percent as Unitech, DLF and HDIL plunged 4-6 percent. Indiabulls Real was down 2 percent.
For Tips on Nifty Futures and Nifty Options click here